Conjugation of stub out [v.]
-stub out
Istub out
youstub out
hestubs out
westub out
youstub out
theystub out
Istubbed out
youstubbed out
hestubbed out
westubbed out
youstubbed out
theystubbed out
Iwillstub out
youwillstub out
hewillstub out
wewillstub out
youwillstub out
theywillstub out
Ihavestubbed out
youhavestubbed out
hehasstubbed out
wehavestubbed out
youhavestubbed out
theyhavestubbed out
-stubbing out
-stubbed out
Words with the same pattern :
rub it in rub out rub against bob under rub in fob off scrub up rub over rub along grub up stab to death dab at fob off with rob of rub down bob up rub off fob off on stub out blab out ... (25 mots)